

Inspired from Carrie's dream she had the other night, Norman and the Sky Bucket:


07.28.09 P.S.

I'm destined to work here: Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch


Lori sent me this yesterday and I have to share. Hahhaha!



I'm starting to adjust a little with having Jake. We drove down to n.county to see Sara and it wasn't too hard finding a place to eat where dogs were allowed. Sara didn't mind having him in her living room and he even road in the back of her nice, clean truck with his face out the window, watching the beach as we drove by the coast. I managed to break away today for church and to catch a movie with friends...then we took Jake to the park for frisbee. I'm discovering that having a dog isn't the end of my social life, it's just an adjustment. I'll definitely be hanging out more with people who don't mind Jake being a part of the scene.

Every day, even on the hard ones, I look at this face and realize that he's such a gift. I couldn't think of a more perfect dog for me.



Having a dog isn't such a hard thing...but having a cattle dog is another story! Jake has a never-ending amount of energy. I play with him in the morning before work, take him for a 30-minute walk during my lunch break and take him for an hour walk when I get home...not to mention the random games of fetch, running through the orange grove..and today I even kicked it up a notch and got on a bike and raced down the street with him galloping next to me. Even that isn't enough...

Tonight I tried to take a 15-minute break to read and he was right there in my face, begging to do something. I just got back from playing another game of fetch with him and he's outside whining at the door with the stick still in his mouth. My entire life these days is dog and work, work and dog. I'm definitely getting fitter from all the walking but I'm so tired and want so badly to go have a margarita and chips and salsa with friends and just relax and not worry that sweet Jake is home alone needing attention. It would be different if I wasn't working (weekends are great with Jake) but the weekdays just aren't enough for him. It's not like I'm neglecting him but I feel like I just can't give him what he needs.

I'm going back and forth about giving Jake to my uncle. His family loves Jake (who wouldn't, he's such an amazing dog) but I wonder if they'll be able to provide the exercise and attention he needs. They have kids and soon they'll be in school all day and getting more involved in after-school activities, which will definitely take time away from Jake. Having a big backyard isn't what Jake needs -- he already has that. He needs lots of physical and mental exercises. I just don't know what to do. He's such a cool dog and I have these fabulous ideas of training him to be a therapy dog and also doing agility with him...but where does my social life come in?

Perfect example: Saturday I'm going to n.county to hang out with Sara. Jake is coming so he won't be home alone. We can't see a movie and probably can't do brunch at the harbor unless dogs are allowed on the patio. The day will revolve around what we can do with a dog. I just want to be a human again.

The view I got tonight while trying to read:



i have dogs on the brain



I heart Jake.


07.16.09 P.S.

An e-mail I sent to my cousin. It's pretty much all about Jake's first 24 hours home:

When I got to the shelter on Tuesday morning they took him out and said the computer was wrong and the “she” turned out to be a “he”. He was the coolest dog but was so wound up and mouthy and jumping everywhere. My arms were covered in red, sloppy welts from him mouthing me (he was gentle but still!) and he wouldn’t hold still for a second. I talked to three people about him and each one said they saw him they day he came in and think he’s the coolest dog. I asked the handler if they ever let them out in the dog run and she said no…so I decided most of the hyper attitude was due to the fact that there’s this 8-month old puppy (known to be a hyper breed too) stuck for 3-4 days without exercise. I had to either keep him there or take the chance that he’s a good dog after he gets a good dose of exercise. After seeing how he was stuck in a cell with four other dogs, I decided to take him.

I saw him at 11 am but wasn’t allowed to pick him up until 4:30 that afternoon. I was actually supposed to pick him up the next day, but because he was already neutered and microchipped they snuck him in for vaccinations that day. So, I spent the day shopping at Petsmart and Target and napping in my car. When I finally got him he was a bundle of energy so we ran around and around the parking lot until he was a panting, slobbery, happy mess. It seems like his past owners didn’t teach him anything…he doesn’t know how to walk on a leash or any basic commands. Green as green can be. He knows what a car is though and as soon as I opened the door he jumped right in. By the time we were on the freeway he already learned to stay laying down in his seat. As soon as he’d try to get up I’d just snap my finger by his paws and say down and he’d lay back down. By the end of the ride home I’d just say “AH” when he’d try to move around and he’d instantly lay back down. SMART SMART dog.

When we got home I discovered not only does he not know any basic commands, but he was also not taught that jumping up and snapping is not allowed. I have a pretty sore spot on my chin from him jumping up and mouthing at my face in excitement. By the end of the evening he already knows that’s not acceptable. Like I said, incredibly smart dog! He’s learning SO fast! He’s crate trained and LOVES to play fetch. He’s even getting good enough to sometimes catch his flying-squirrel Frisbee in mid air. I can’t wait to take him to dog beach. I took him to my Mom’s last night and he is great with kids and other dogs. Rocky growled and bit and him and Jake could have cared less. He’s calm around the kids after he gets a good run, so that’s great. He even leaves my cats alone (supervised…not ready to let him alone with them, if ever).

He's a good dog.


Good news. As always, I freak out first then actually sit down and think things through later.

I'm going to give it a try with Jake. He's a rad dog. I just need to look into maybe having him go to doggy day care a couple days a week. Also, once the fence gets up at my uncles house, Kevin said I'd be able to drop him off there while I'm at work so he can run through the orange grove with the kids and play with Neko (Kevin's dog).

...and if my dreams come true and I end up moving to Oregon and working on a horse ranch, well, Jake is coming with me.

One of these days I'll slow down and think things through before freaking out. :)



What did I get myself into? I got the dog from the shelter. She turned out to be a he...a very happy, very loving, very hyper and young he. Eight months old and not a lick of training (although, thankfully, he's good in the crate at night). In the first 24 hours he's been here he's learned not to jump up in excitement and bite faces (I have a bruised chin from one incident), to lay down in the car, to wait and not rush through the gate when I open it, to not jump up on people...really, it's amazing how eager this guy is to learn. His name is Jake. He's a very cool dog.

I'm just feeling extreme guilt for leaving him alone for 8-9 hours a day when I'm at work. He doesn't want to leave my side. He wants to be active. He wants to learn. He wants company. When I'm at work he'll be alone. My family loves him and tells me to keep him and that, "he's just a dog...he'll be fine in the backyard by himself." My argument is that he's not "just a dog" - he's one of the smartest, most active breeds. It's cruelty to leave him alone for that long. He's a working dog...he needs a family that's home and can play with him off and on all day, or even better, a ranch to work on. I don't know what I was thinking. It's not fair to him to sit all day and wait for me to come home. It's selfish on my part.

So, I sent an e-mail to the cattledog rescue group to see if they know a family who can foster him or give him a home. I'm keeping him until then...I'll keep on working to train him (poor little guy wasn't even trained to sit) and play frisbee (his favorite game) with him when I get home from work.

I feel awful. I've been plagued with guilt all day today. The only good thing out of this is that I took him out of that awful shelter.



Tomorrow morning I'm heading to the shelter in Downey to see the cattledog. I called this morning to get more information. She's 9 months old and was handed over by her owners (jerks!). They weren't able to tell me if people were on the waiting list...which means I may get there and someone will already be taking her home. I am really trying not to set myself up for disappointment but at the same time I can't help but be hopeful. I hate this. I don't know how much more of it I can take. She's dog number four...



The hunt continues.
I sent an e-mail this morning about a dog that just came to the Downey shelter yesterday. She's not available for adoption until July 17, in case her owners come looking for her. Maybe she's the one?



I finally heard back from the rescue group that has Emma. They said I could come see her today and take her home to see if she's good with cats...and if she isn't I'd be able to hand her back over. I was so excited yesterday and very optimistic that she'd do just great with the cats. I even bought her this pretty, rainbow-colored collar and lime-green leash to match. I could barely fall asleep last night I was so excited. I should be used to disappointment by now...but the e-mail I got this morning made me cry anyway. The rescue told me that someone else was coming out today to see Emma (who apparently turned in their application before me) and that if it doesn't work out they would call me. She seems too sweet for it not to work out...



My Mom and I visited Stars today. She's such a sweet thing but I'm worried she'll be dog aggressive (both pits and jindos are known to be). My heart breaks for her but I still keep thinking about Emma! So, I'm going to wait and stalk the rescue on Saturday at Petco in hopes that Emma will be there.


07.08.09 P.S.

I went to see a dog at the local shelter today. I kept going back to her when I was searching online for dogs and thought I might as well visit her since she's pretty much right down the street. She's labeled as an 11-month-old pit mix but when I talked to a worker she said she seems to have more Jindo in her (which, by the way, is another awesome Japanese breed like a Shiba only bigger). So, I sat on the outside of the cell and cooed and scratched her neck for a good 15-20 minutes. She put her head on the door and let me pet her until her eyes closed and she started to fall asleep. I'm taking an early lunch tomorrow to go back with my Mom for a second opinion and to take her out of the cage and see how she does. I'm fearful she's dog aggressive or eats cats or small children. First impression tells me she's too sweet for that though.
P.S. They call her Stars, which might be a sign considering I used to love stars so much my nickname was Jesika Starr.


I still haven't heard back on the dogs. If I don't hear from the rescue by Saturday I'm going to Petco where they set up a booth once a week and talk to them. I'm not giving up yet!

I even found a collar for my dog:
check it out



Still no word back from the rescue organization on Emma. I sent a follow-up e-mail yesterday. I found another dog I want to meet too (from the same organization). His name is Oakley and he looks like trouble! He's a little younger (10 months) and is such a fun little guy:



Better judgment finally got the best of me. I realized getting Phoenix isn’t a smart idea. He is super cute but really, really pricy (issue number one) and a puppy is a lot of work (issue number two). I was a weeping mess on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning because I was so disappointed. Amazing how attached I was to the idea of having him!

I still want a dog though…badly! I sent an e-mail to a rescue organization in Anaheim about this pretty girl:

She’s my favorite breed of dog (Australian Cattledog) and from her profile she seems really sweet. Her name is Emma. I hope they e-mail me back soon…I want to meet her this weekend! (cross your fingers she doesn’t eat cats)