

I just came back from running my Saturday errands. Today I decided to go to Blockbuster to see if they had any used movies worth buying. What better to do on a chilly, rainy day than curl up in bed with some popcorn and watch movies? There was a man about my age outside of the building, leaning into the corner. I wouldn't have taken a second glance his way if he hadn't said, "Hey Sweetie Pie, do you happen to have some change?". He was wearing a red hoodie soaked wet in places and he looked like he hadn't shaved in days. I could only assume he was homeless, or on the brink. I make it a habit not to hand out money (many people will use it to buy alcohol/drugs and I don't want to support the things that keep them on the streets) so I told him I only had a credit card. I couldn't stop thinking about him while I was in Blockbuster and felt compelled to help the man, so after I walked out, I went up to him and asked if I could buy him a coffee (Starbucks was next door). While I was waiting in line, I wondered if the man was making a sucker out of me (I mean, he ordered a venti double chocolate chip frappacino for Heaven's sake!)...but the more I thought about it, the more I didn't care if he was. I bought him a coffee cake as well and walked back to him, trying to smile as bright as I could. He seemed truly surprised I had bought him food too -- I wish now that I would have stayed and talked to him a bit. Asked him his name. Maybe that's all he really wanted.

I bought sushi at Fresh and Easy for lunch today. I've never bought sushi at a grocery store before. I hope I survive the meal.

One of my favorite things to do is take raindrops-on-my-windshield pictures with my camera phone:

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