

Tomorrow is the start of two things:
1) I'm going back to being a vegetarian. I am not a red meat eater but I am going to cut chicken out now too. Only seafood. I get so grossed out when I think about how the poor animals are treated. It's not right.
2) I'm going to work on breaking free of my "hermititis".

A slaughterhouse that has been accused of mistreating cows agreed Sunday to recall 143 million pounds of beef in what federal officials called the largest beef recall in U.S. history.

her·mit [hur-mit]
1. a person who has withdrawn to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusion.
2. any person living in seclusion; recluse.
3. Zoology. an animal of solitary habits.
4. Ornithology. any of numerous hummingbirds of the genera Glaucis and Phaethornis, having curved bills and dull-colored rather than iridescent plumage.
5. a spiced molasses cookie often containing raisins or nuts.
6. Obsolete. a beadsman.
[Origin: 1175–1225; ME ermite, hermite, heremite < OF < LL erémīta < Gk erémīts living in a desert, equiv. to erm(ia) desert (deriv. of erêmos desolate) + -ītés -ite1]

—Related forms
her·mit·ic, her·mit·i·cal, her·mit·ish, adjective
her·mit·i·cal·ly, adverb
her·mit·like, adjective
her·mit·ry, her·mit·ship, noun

1 comment:

foxychao said...

Were you able to get out of your hermit mode?