

When I was younger, maybe 11 or so, I had daydreams of traveling to a remote area across the world - a small village in the rain forest or the plains of Africa - and serving the community. I didn't want to be a missionary, I just longed for an adventure and had a desire to help people. As I grew older, I imagined myself joining the Peace Corp and spending a year abroad in some small town, building irrigation systems or wells. My hopes were abandoned when I learned the Peace Corp only took college graduates. I wasn't a Christ follower so mission trips were out of the question too. So, I stuffed my mighty daydream into the back of my head and spent the next handful of years ignoring it. But it was always longing for far-off adventures and a calling to help people.

A little over three years ago, I met a guy from work who would go to Mexico on certain weekends to help build houses and serve the community. My daydream was pushed to the front of my mind and my heart longed to go. I wasn't a Christian and the trip was through the church, but Nick took me under his wing and I went. That weekend in Mexico was so special for me. Not only because my desire for adventure and serving came to life, but because just days before I had taken Jesus into my heart. Little did I know, there was a bigger adventure for me on the horizon...

Only a couple months after the build trip in Mexico, I saw the Invisible Children documentary at church. It immediately called to the deep center of my soul and even though I was so new in my faith, I felt God calling me to Africa. I prayed for God to show me a sign that Africa was my next adventure and the very next day I received a special-addition National Geographic magazine...all on Africa. To make it even better, I went to Nick to tell him I thought God was calling me (me?!) to Africa and he said he was going in November and it probably wasn't too late for me to join the team. Seriously?!! I love how God works!

And so, in November 2005, I stepped foot on African soil and spent about two weeks serving the community and experiencing God in ways I never had. Africa rooted itself in my heart. I went back again for another two weeks in July 2006, but that trip was very different. The team had a hard time bonding and working together and it was very hard for me - especially since everything on my first trip went so well. There was a definite contrast and the experience hardened my heart. I became jaded. As hard as it was, there was still a desire and love for Africa rooted in my heart. Like a tree in the dead of winter, it remained but did not thrive.

It feels like spring now and the tree in my heart is growing and thriving and breaking away the shell that kept me jaded. I feel God whispering in my ear and calling me to my next adventure. I'm not certain what it is yet, but I can feel the energy in the air. I can feel the deep sigh before a great sneeze! :)

A huge part of me is hoping He'll call me back to Africa for longer than two weeks. I want to experience Africa on a different level. I long for the wild and amazing adventure that I've desired for so, so long.

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