

it's been record-breaking heat this weekend. i'm actually looking forward to work tomorrow just to enjoy the air conditioning. the last two days in my little place have been pretty uncomfortable. i feel like i have a fever in me. i've taken a handful of cold showers just to get my body temperature down, but the water in the pipes never got cold enough to cool me down. i keep thinking about people in other parts of the world who live in this kind of heat all the time and aren't able to run to the mall or a movie theater to enjoy air conditioning. at least i have a freezer for frozen grapes and ice water!

i bought a friend today. i'm still waiting for him to tell me what his name is, although i'm thinking it might be Ezekiel...


1 comment:

Regina said...

I love you... if things keep going this way and I have to leave for a while, I will come home and help you see God in the hustle and bustle of the city... He is there, you just have to look harder to find him.

You will see him in the joy on my face as we race from the airport to eat sushi and stop for a little "sex and the city" at the movies!

Joy, Joy everywhere!! And the great thing is with just a little gas (that by the way you can actually buy at a gas station!!) you can get to a field of poppies, the amazing ocean created by God for your enjoyment in the heat OR your beloved Joshua Tree... enjoy these things by yourself and I bet our God will show up there.

I love your horse drawings. Next time you are here we will do a horseback safari I know that will make you happy!

Here is a little inspiration for you, my friend!
Rejoice, in the Lord always. I will say it again rejoice! (even in the city) Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:4-7

God's goodness is all around us. I am in the city again right now... I missed Falls so much and got to go home for a bit, it was unbelievable, and now i am back here. In a city full of violence, and we have to choose to see God everywhere. I can't praise Him FOR everything, but I can choose to praise Him IN everything. Even in the OC, God is everywhere.

Try to go out and look for him, do something nice for someone, even a stranger out of the blue and see their eyes light up... God! :-) I ache that you are restless and want to leave, believe me i know the feeling well, but enjoy it while you have it... He wants you to!

PS I love you!