

I've been having really strange cravings these past few weeks for beer. I don't even like beer! I bought a six-pack of Coors Light last night (I was lost in the beer section and picked Coors Light because I remember my friends liking it). The first few swigs were delightful, but halfway through it started tasting nasty and I poured the rest down the kitchen sink.
I have a bottle in front of me right now. It's half empty (half full?) and, once again, I'm about ready to pour it down the drain. This craving is the most unusual thing!


Vanessa said...

I don't like beer that much either -- I'm more of a wine person, if anything -- but I've always found Japanese beers more palatable than American ones for some reason. Try Kirin or Asahi.

cc26 said...

beer = barf.
(lol! i meant the taste but, actually...sometimes beer really does lead to barfing! haha!)

foxychao said...

Sam Adams, Dos X, Asahi = good stuff

coors light = feed the roses

Lori said...

I was introduced to the most amazing drink last night and I would like to submit it as my beer tip of the day.

A Shandy. Beer + lemonade. Just a little lemonade at the bottom. Makes drinking it a whole lot easier