

I was out at the barn by 7:00 on Saturday morning. (I never would have imagined the day would come, but I'm starting to become a morning person! There's something so special about being up and about, enjoying the day while most everyone else is still in bed. It's so quiet and peaceful.) Kalvin was wound up pretty tight and it took some effort to ride the trail out to Sully Miller arena. A handful of times he'd spin and try to head back home. When we got to Sully, he was jigging and fighting for the reins...riding him was work! We ended up doing a LOT of trotting in the round pen until he finally started to cool down a bit. By the time we headed home he was sweaty, but finally nice and relaxed. We ended the morning with a bath...soap and all! I just love putting him back into his stall, with fresh shavings and a flake of alfalfa waiting for him, when he's sparkling clean. It makes me feel like in that very minute all is well in the world.

Turned out in the arena, waiting for me to bring him up to the barn and get ready for our morning ride:

I'm so in love with him!

Showing me what he thinks about his bath:

1 comment:

cc26 said...

LOL!!!! That third picture is HILLARIOUS! He's so perfect for you! :)