

Yesterday, I took Kalvin on a trail ride. It was horrible. He kept spinning and trying to head back home. He even reared up at one point. There must have been evil, horse-eating trolls under every bridge because no matter how much I urged him on, Kalvin refused to cross. Puddles must have housed scary monsters with sharp teeth just ready to leap out at us, because Kalvin wouldn't go near them. I was so fed up with fighting to keep him moving forward that I eventually gave in and we left the trail and rode on the street, around the bridges and mud puddles. He got his way.

I decided to take advantage of the sunshine today and take Kalvin on another trail ride. He definitely remembered that he got his way yesterday because he was spinning and circling back toward the barn a handful of times before we even got to the first bridge. I was not about to let him win (especially since his bad habit was only getting worse)! I kept his head down and I faced it slightly towards the fence so he didn't have any room to turn around, and I squeezed him over the bridge. Sure enough, as soon as we were over and he knew I wasn't going to let him get his way, he was a perfect gentleman. It was a wonderful ride! We even took new trails we've never been on before and he behaved himself perfectly. And, to make it even better, as we were heading home we crossed paths with the hot cowboy I've seen a few times on trail. ::blush:: Today was a good day.