

It's so my style --the evening before I have to go back to work I catch a cold. Last night I curled up next to a roll of toilet paper and tried to sleep through a marathon of nose morning there was a sea of tissue balls around my bed. The beginning is the worst for me -- I'm such a big baby when I have an achy body -- so work was a tad uncomfortable. I can't wait for 8 o'clock so I can take some p.m. meds and zonk out until tomorrow. Waaaaah...

I ordered a book on Amazon called The China Study and am really excited for it to get here. I think a huge reason I get sick all the time and have stomach problems is because of my diet (makes sense!). I try to eat healthy but the problems are still here...and I'm beginning to think it has to do with the meat and dairy in my diet. I'm really looking forward to learning more about nutrition and the benefits of eating more vegan-like. Not only might it help me be healthier but I'll feel so much better not noshing on animals!

Below is a picture of the curtains my Mom made for my kitchen. I picked out the fabric and she sewed them up in one night. She's seriously the most amazing mother in the entire world.


cc26 said...

Your decor (from what I can tell from the blog) is my dream decor. I love it.



thank you.

Carrie said...

Those curtains are fabulous!!!!!