

I just realized the other day that in about two and a half months I'll be 31. It feels like just last month I was stressing about turning 30. Where in the world did the whole year go?! Ugh. To make 31 a good number, I'm thinking of throwing a party in my fabulously large backyard. My birthday is the third of June so it will be nice and summery and just perfect for a backyard party. It won't be just any backyard party though, it will be an Alice in Wonderland party -- Mad Hatter style! Picture this: Everyone has to dress up as either an Alice in Wonderland character or in some crazy outfit, including a wild hat. There will be a croquet tournament, pink yard-flamingos, white paper rose bushes painted red, cards...all things Alice in Wonderland! We'll drink out of random tea cups, there will be cupcakes decorated to look like mushrooms that say "eat me" and the bottles of wine will all have tags on them saying "drink me". Of course, there will be awesome music playing at all times. I'm thinking of having it start around 5:00 so we can play croquet and horseshoes while it's light and when dark sets in there will be paper lanterns, strings of lights and a dance floor (maybe even a live band if I can get some friends to play!). I'd invite everyone and their friends and we'll fill the backyard with laughter. What do you think?

1 comment:

Lori said...

I'm thinking that sounds FABULOUS!! You so should do it, and you need to be Alice and no one else! I am SOOOOOO bummed I would miss that!!!! How fun!