

I ended my lease on Kalvin the other day. I miss him already. Linda is the sweetest (ever!) and told me I'm welcome to come out and say hi but I don't know if I can do it. It's hard. I'm sad but I'm also pretty sure I made the right choice. Sometimes the right choices aren't always the ones we want.

I'm stepping it up a level with my dedication to Refuge and I'm also amping up my involvement in my church. Refuge, Jr. High ministry, arts ministry and (soon) young adults night...with all that going on I just don't have the time Kalvin needs and deserves.

Letting go wasn't easy. For awhile I was clinging and pretending that I wasn't hearing God calling me away from Kalvin and into ministry at my church. What helped me let go was knowing that God has the power to bring me horses if He choses. My job is to follow the path He's placed before me and trust Him.

I'm holding onto the hope that one day He'll bring horses into my life and they'll be here to stay. I can't explain the connection I feel to them...horses and wide-open spaces make me so, so happy!


Lori said...

Your obedience will surely be blessed. I love when God asks us to do things that don't make sense to other people, but we know that He is calling us to do it! Wow, so many wonderful things He is placing in your path!! You are amazing.

cc26 said...

I am so proud of you, Jes. I KNOW God is going to do big things through you!

Carrie said...

:( You can ride Normie.