

Wednesday morning office happiness is:

Finding a cup of coffee, from my Uncle, on my desk when I first walk in

Listening to Eyes by Rouge Wave and wrapping my hands around a warm mug of peppermint tea

Sharing fun, random e-mails with CC and Linda

Walking past a window and seeing a thick blanket of grey clouds

Realizing I have a pretty awesome cube full of fun pictures, coloring books and a little bamboo plant

Finding peace in the fact God has me here, in this very specific place, at this very specific moment, for a very specific reason

On another note...I saw this single flower growing at my Moms -- around dead weeds and sidewalk. I thought the contrast was pretty neat (and so is the flower!) so I took a picture with my phone:

1 comment:

foxychao said...

I wonder what goes thru your head everyday. It's sure sounds wonderful.