

the sugar fast almost got the best of me today. susan's cube is right next to mine and each time I passed by, her jar of chocolates screamed my name. i had visions of biting into a hershey's treasure -- milk chocolate and little toffee pieces melting on my tongue. sugary delight! the craving got so bad towards the afternoon i decided to go to the sink and get some hot water for ginger tea. at least that would keep my taste buds busy. cup in hand, i headed towards the drink station, proud of myself for denying the chocolate that had been taunting me all day. i turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. there, sitting proudly on the counter, was a huge platter of what must have been at least 50-75 chocolate chip cookies. the smell alone almost knocked me to my knees.

let me stop right here and tell you...i have an absolute weakness for chocolate chip cookies. they are my favorite of all tasty treats.

i could feel my will power crumbling by the second. i tiptoed past the cookies and kept my mind focused on hot water.
hot water.
hot water.
hot water.
i could smell them as i filled my cup. i could almost taste them.

determined, i took my water and marched past the cookies, but in the end it was just too much -- after a few steps i spun around, walked back, eyed an especially chunky cookie and snatched it up! i put it to my nose and inhaled as i walked back towards my cube, smiling.

in one last attempt to win the battle, i stopped at linda's cube to confessed what i was about to do. to my horror and to my delight, linda grabbed the cookie from under my nose and chucked it in the trash.

i love linda.

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