

last night i took my car to the body shop and then had my mom take me to pick up a rental car. all they had in my price category was a minivan! it's definintely nothing like a 2-door civic, but by the time i got home i was loving it. i want to pile a group of friends in the minivan and head off on a roadtrip adventure!

i love adrian johnson's work.
i think i want to turn this into a hoodie (it's my favorite):



i'm sitting here at work, enjoying a warm cup of oatmeal with a dash of brown sugar, and realized i already broke my sugar fast!



tomorrow i'm starting another sugar fast. it's time to get healthy!



because drawing is limited at work now, here's an older one hanging in linda's cube:



i borrowed a cat collar from linda who was borrowing it from barbara. i saw it on linda's desk and just had to take it home for the night to embarrass my cats with. you see, it's not an ordinary cat collar. lily was curious but griffin was completely and totally annoyed by the whole thing.





i think i've FINALLY decided on how i'm going to color my hair. i know, i know, i'm sure you've all been on pins and needles waiting. ;)

i'm excited and can't help but share.



i'm going to hear John Eldredge speak tonight -- and then hopefully have him sign a book or two.
i'm excited! he has inspired me so much over the past few months.


04.20.08 p/p/s

i was driving on the freeway today with my windows down and tim mcgraw blaring. before i knew it, i was stuck in the center of a vivid daydream. the freeway turned into an open highway and i was alone on the road. the land was flat as far as my eyes could see and the sky was a bright turquoise with giant, white clouds. the highway was lined with wildflowers and i swear i could smell earth and dried grass. the daydream lasted only a few seconds or so, but afterwards there was such a longing and homesickness in my heart that i couldn't hold back tears.

i feel like i'm going mad sometimes.

04.20.08 p/s

i took my younger niece, Eva, to paint a piggie bank today. it was for her birthday.
i decided to paint one too. i'm glad i did because now i'll have a reminder of how much fun i had with her.
she's so special and so dear.

my piggie bank:


if only i could sing and play half as good as patty griffin. i'd be delighted beyond imagination.

here she is with emmylou:



i seriously love this. make sure you watch it with the volume on.



04.16.08 p/s

top reason why aliens don't wear clothes:
their fingers are too long to work with buttons

right now i'm downloading children running through by patty griffin. i wish i could sing half as good as her. everyone must own at least one of her albums.


i really need to clean my place.
it's a messy disaster.

who has time to clean when there are so many fun things to do instead?



I want to be brave and courageous and fiercely passionate and so full of faith and trust that I will be like Peter, leaping from the boat in the midst of a ferocious storm and walking on water towards my Lord because I have certain faith He won't let me drown.



I've been inspired lately to get another tattoo. The inspiration is growing -- especially after seeing Regina get hers and then talking to Christie and her hubby last night. For years and years I've wanted to get a sacred heart. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to cover up my old tattoo on my lower back or find another spot for it.

Then again, knowing me it will take another handful of years before I actually do it.




please brush your teeth before you go to the gym.

it's the most unpleasant thing working out next to someone who has terrible breath.


04.10.08 p/s

i need a makeover.
i'm bored with myself.
i want to do something different with my hair
or buy some fabulous new clothes i wouldn't typically wear
or move to an exciting new place...
i am stir crazy and anxious and stale.

i wish i were wildly creative and mysteriously cool.


I love Fraggles. I used to watch Fraggle Rock all the time when I was a kid. So, I couldn't help but take the what-kind-of-fraggle-are-you quiz.

I'm 100% Mokey:

You are creative, thoughtful, graceful, poetic, dreamy, artistic, and helpful. You're also not very closely in touch with reality, but people can't help but to love you in spite of that. When you're not painting, writing, or helping someone, you like to take long walks to get in touch with the Fraggle caves that are your environment. If you were human, you'd be an inoffensive hippie, but since you're a Fraggle, you're just Mokey.
Which Fraggle Rock character are you?


04.08.08 p/s

i was inspired to draw the war I have with bad-mood beasties.


strange. some days i wake up with a focus that i'm going to be a light and happiness, regardless of what the day throws my way...and those are the days that i feel most crabby. it's like there are these little bad-mood beasties just sitting over my head, trying to keep me from finding those sweet, simple delights in the day. not today! i'm determined to keep bad-mood beasties away. :)

file folder from yesterday:



Sometimes it's hard to be single and almost 30. There are people out there who think something's wrong with me because I'm not married. Some people tell me that it's up to me to make it happen -- that I need to throw myself out there -- that I need to date and start actively seeking a husband or before I know it I will be old, single and lonely. They threaten that if I don't start doing something soon I'm destined to the life of an old maid. I don't agree.

I want very much to be married one day but right now I'm content with the singleness God has brought into my life. It doesn't mean I don't care and don't want to be married (there are some days I cry because I want it so bad), but right now I am taking delight in this season of my life. I trust that the Lord has amazing plans and has put me here for a reason. For me not to be content or for me to try to grab for more than what He's provided means I'm not trusting in Him.

Being content in life means you are happy with where God has put you.

1 Peter 5:6-7
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.



i do believe i'm going to start playing my guitar again...and that makes me excited.



i'm lazy and cranky today. i just want to sleep. it might have to do with the fact that griffin is once again up to his antics and keeping me up at night. it's a love-hate relationship with him. this afternoon i curled up in bed for about an hour and watched a bit of pirates of the caribbean. griffin jumped up on the bed and laid down next to me with his little chin resting on my arm and just purred and purred and purred.

here's something i did a long time ago for linda but just got around to sharing.



tea makes my stomach warm and my heart happy.
currently, in my drawer here at work, I have the following flavors:
- organic green
- herbal spice
- mango black
- detox
- ginger
- peppermint
- chamomile
- strawberry
i just gave susan my orange spice tea b/c i thought it smelled and tasted a bit like vomit. no joke. she didn't like it either (who would?!).

i can't draw in meetings anymore but they haven't stopped me from drawing on my file folders...at least not yet.



i'm so crabby today.
i think i woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
you can call me ms. crabby appleton.

even yogurtland didn't get rid of this cranky mood.
