

Sometimes it's hard to be single and almost 30. There are people out there who think something's wrong with me because I'm not married. Some people tell me that it's up to me to make it happen -- that I need to throw myself out there -- that I need to date and start actively seeking a husband or before I know it I will be old, single and lonely. They threaten that if I don't start doing something soon I'm destined to the life of an old maid. I don't agree.

I want very much to be married one day but right now I'm content with the singleness God has brought into my life. It doesn't mean I don't care and don't want to be married (there are some days I cry because I want it so bad), but right now I am taking delight in this season of my life. I trust that the Lord has amazing plans and has put me here for a reason. For me not to be content or for me to try to grab for more than what He's provided means I'm not trusting in Him.

Being content in life means you are happy with where God has put you.

1 Peter 5:6-7
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.


Lori said...

Isaiah 66:2 I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts

Regina said...

Oh girl, don't i know this feeling. Ugh. It is even compounded more when you are 9,000 miles from home and your girlfriends... but we are living such a good life and we are soooo blessed to have each other.

I seriously love you so much and I cannot wait to see how great out husbands are!! When I say great, I am mean super hot, talented and SOOOO in love with the Lord and us!