
06.16.08 p.s.

my friend sent a guy my way she met on myspace. she told him to send me a message because not only is he a musician, but a Christian. she thought we might hit it off. we sent a few, brief messages back and forth but i was quickly turned off after i discovered he smokes weed and gets drunk.

i am so passionate about God -- so blown away at how much He loves me and how deeply He's changed my life -- and it makes me sad when people say they are followers of Christ but aren't really following. if a person truly believes in something, he'll live it out the best he can.

being a Christian isn't easy. in our society it isn't glamorous or cool. i get made fun of and i sacrifice things that are hard to give up. a lot of times i'm considered a square or some kind of freak. but i love God with all my heart and soul and i'm proud of Him -- and refuse to back down or stop talking about Him or following Him because people think i'm weird.

i want to be with a man who loves God so much that he'll stand up for the Lord regardless if it's considered uncool. there's something so inviting and strong and sexy about a man who has fallen in love with God and builds his life around the Lord.

1 comment:

Lill said...

AMEN AND AMEN! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

There are so many people in this world who call themselves Christians, and they are not---

thank you thank you thank you