


i got a text from linda. her water broke at 3:30 this morning. she's at the hospital with an ocean view and says there's a good 15 hours before peanut will be here. 15 hours, really?! well, good things are worth waiting for!

i'm excited for the moment when she'll look her son in the eyes for the first time. what a beautiful, profound, important moment it will be!

i'm also excited God answered our prayers! a little group of us have been praying that linda would have a natural birth. she was due yesterday and scheduled to have induced labor at 6:00 this morning if it didn't happen before then. she was so fearful of being induced. God is so good! not a moment too early or too soon...perfect timing! God has been so faithful with answering prayers. my faith is small and each and every time i'm surprised all over again that He hears us.

happy birthday peanut!!!

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