

I reported to jury duty today. For the better half of the morning I was hoping I'd be one of the lucky ones and be released, but after finally being called to a case I found myself hoping my name would be drawn for the jury. It's not everyday I get a chance to see the details of a court case! I'm happy to say I was called to the jury box and am now officially Juror 11 of a criminal case. Of course, I can't give out details, but so far I'm loving it! It's almost better than Perry Mason.

On a sad note, Kalvin is leaving for his new home on Monday morning. His owner's back is so bad that she can't ride at all now. She offered to give him to me (wow!) and it was such a heart break to decline the offer. Oh, how much I wanted to take him! I'm just not in a place in my life where I can afford to keep a horse. I'm sad. I'm sad he's leaving because he's an amazing horse. I'm also feeling sorry for myself...that I'm not where I imagined my life to be at 30. I thought by now I'd have land and horses. How much longer do I have to wait? It's hard to explain how important horses are to me -- I just know I was born with a special calling to have them in my life. Some of my very first memories are of horses and I've been in love with them ever since. I was just talking to my Mom last night about how I feel like I'm where I'm meant to be when I'm riding. She told me something I hadn't heard before -- she told me when I took a few months of riding lessons as a kid, the trainer told her that I was a natural rider...that I was meant to be riding. Even now I hear people tell me that I pick up on things quick and that I can connect with a horse in ways a lot of people don't. It makes me smile but it also makes me sad because for so many years I was without horses at all. I'm finally getting back into them and I never want to be without again!

My goal for this holiday weekend is to finish a painting I'm doing for Bryce's room. Here's an idea of what I'm going to do:


foxychao said...

I Loooooooovvvvve it!!!!! -- Bryce

foxychao said...

Can you keep the horse in your mom's backyard? You can clean out the garage and make it into a stable. You can charge the neighbor kids to ride it and that'll pay for it's up keep. -- ok that's a brain fart don't do the latter one.

cc26 said...

Jury duty! I have always wanted to be on a jury...yet, have never been called to do it. Weird...

Lori said...

I love jury duty!! People always try to avoid it, but it can be really cool... I was on a murder trial years ago... Nothing like sending someone to jail for life. Good times.

foxychao said...

You have blog your thoughts about this experience.