

I went out and rode River tonight. He really is a sweet horse but I couldn't help comparing him to Kalvin. He didn't let me snuggle up to his nose and if felt so strange riding him. But, it's not fair for me to expect him to be like Kalvin. Kristin (love her!) came out to watch me ride and kept saying sweet things about River...which was good because as much as I hate to admit it, I needed some encouragement. River isn't Kalvin but he's special in his own way and I need to remind myself of that.

Here's Handsome River. I'm going to see him again on Saturday (he's out of shape so right now we'll be working every other day). I have a feeling it will take just a few more times and I'll be loving River for River, not wishing he were Kalvin.


Lori said...

He is soooooo cute!! I love how the coloring on one leg is not like the others :)

foxychao said...

I like the three white legs.

Regina said...

Jes he is great!!! I like him, can we keep this one?? I am coming to ride him in Jan... so don't try to replace him with one that looks similar :-)

Love you