

What a wonderful morning! I woke up early and looked outside to see grey clouds covering the sky. I decided to celebrate the morning with a trail ride, so I made a hot cup of coffee and drove out to see Kalvin.

Kalvin isn't much of a trail horse and trail riding by ourselves is always a bit of an adventure. We did pretty well until I asked him to go over a small, metal pipe that was in the middle of the trail (about five feet before a cement bridge) and he fought me. I kept trying to push him forward but he'd spin back around and at one point threatened to get up on his back legs. Being that we were the only ones out there, I didn't think it was safe to keep pushing him in case he threw me or decided to spin and run off. So, I claimed defeat and headed him in the other direction, making sure we stayed riding trails for a bit longer -- because acting up doesn't equal going straight home.

When we did get home I started working him in the arena as Linda walked up. I told her about the trail ride and the metal pipe/bridge, and she offered to walk the trail with us to help me push him forward. It was a wonderful ride! He did spin a few times but by the end of the ride he not only walked over the cement bridge, but we took him over a wooden bridge and through a neighborhood with dogs charging up to the fences -- all with complete calmness! Linda kept saying she couldn't believe he was the same horse she knew before I started riding him. She told me she would have never thought he'd ever accomplish something like that...and for some reason or another Kalvin really likes and trusts me. special!

I'm going out tomorrow after church to meet up with Linda and take Kalvin over more trails. He might never be bomb proof but my goal is to get him consistent with being calm on the trail. So far, we're headed in the right direction!


Lori said...

That's amazing Jes! How very special. You definitely have a calling.

Carrie said...

I wish I could go trail riding with you. Kalvin loves you!