

I'm flying to Texas today! I've been pretty excited for the past couple weeks about the big trip. I honestly don't think I laugh harder then when I'm spending time with Carrie...and I'm so excited to see how her baby belly has grown! Plus, there's always some fun little adventure or another that happens during my Texas trips. Last May, it was petting a leamur at the rodeo (his name was Lance) and driving through Fossil Rim to feed giraffe, zebra, deer, ostrich and other animals I would have never imagined getting so close to. Another year we went to Athens to see the world's largest blue catfish, Splash. We've also wandered the streets of Austin, visited the deserted remains of Starship Pegasus, eaten at Nobu...not to mention a bunch of other random, way-too-fun stuff.

This weekend, I know we at least have Twilight planned, dinner at this super-yummy steak house on Friday, a baby shower on Saturday (I still can't believe Carrie and Charles are having a baby soon!) and hopefully a night in watching Napoleon Dynamite and eating homemade apple-bran muffins.

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