

Ah. Today is beautiful! The sun is out, the sky is clean and blue, there's a wonderful, spring-time feeling in the air (even though it's January). Last night, Regina was telling me how I live in one of the most beautiful places and I need to start opening my eyes to it all. Today was a good day to start opening my wasn't hard at all to see it when so much of the states are covered in snow and ice right now. Maybe I do have it pretty good! ;)

I looked up a painting class online this morning. It starts in February at the local community college...I think I'm going to sign up for it. I had a wonderful heart-to-heart with Lorz the other night (that girl is AMAZING) and she made me realize how much I've been holding back my creativity because I'm scared to let it out. I need to stop worrying about what people think so much and start living to please God. A huge part of that, for me, will be to release the creativity full-force -- paint, draw, play guitar, sing...just be the quirky little thing He's made me to be and use it all as an act of worship. I need to give it all to Him and not care that others may think. That's huge for me and it's going to take some time to get there...but I'm excited to start!

Regina flew in on Thursday and it's been such a blessing to spend time with her. I knew I missed her, but I had no idea how much! I need to get used to being tired (I'm so tired right now!) because I'll want to spend as much time with her as I can before she heads back to Zim. It's hard because she's so busy (so many people want her time) but I'm determined to steal her for a day and spend some quality time with her. I wonder how cold Joshua Tree is right now?

::yawn:: Gonna go take a nap...

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