

Last night I played Frisbee at the park with some church friends. Wait, scratch that. I tried to play. I was pretty clumsy – I caught a lot of air and half the time the Frisbee went in a different direction from where I wanted it to go. It was fun though! I can’t remember the last time I’ve thrown or caught a Frisbee (especially a snazzy one that lights up). Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever played Frisbee before last night. How odd is that?! This weekend, I’m thinking of going down to REI and buying my very own Frisbee that lights up. I want to play again!

Frisbee, Frisbee, Frisbee...what a weird word.

After work today I'm meeting the family at Disneyland to celebrate my sister's birthday. I'm excited for a dose of family time. It's funny, I used to be so against hanging with the fam but these past few years I'm really cherishing it.

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