

Having a dog isn't such a hard thing...but having a cattle dog is another story! Jake has a never-ending amount of energy. I play with him in the morning before work, take him for a 30-minute walk during my lunch break and take him for an hour walk when I get home...not to mention the random games of fetch, running through the orange grove..and today I even kicked it up a notch and got on a bike and raced down the street with him galloping next to me. Even that isn't enough...

Tonight I tried to take a 15-minute break to read and he was right there in my face, begging to do something. I just got back from playing another game of fetch with him and he's outside whining at the door with the stick still in his mouth. My entire life these days is dog and work, work and dog. I'm definitely getting fitter from all the walking but I'm so tired and want so badly to go have a margarita and chips and salsa with friends and just relax and not worry that sweet Jake is home alone needing attention. It would be different if I wasn't working (weekends are great with Jake) but the weekdays just aren't enough for him. It's not like I'm neglecting him but I feel like I just can't give him what he needs.

I'm going back and forth about giving Jake to my uncle. His family loves Jake (who wouldn't, he's such an amazing dog) but I wonder if they'll be able to provide the exercise and attention he needs. They have kids and soon they'll be in school all day and getting more involved in after-school activities, which will definitely take time away from Jake. Having a big backyard isn't what Jake needs -- he already has that. He needs lots of physical and mental exercises. I just don't know what to do. He's such a cool dog and I have these fabulous ideas of training him to be a therapy dog and also doing agility with him...but where does my social life come in?

Perfect example: Saturday I'm going to n.county to hang out with Sara. Jake is coming so he won't be home alone. We can't see a movie and probably can't do brunch at the harbor unless dogs are allowed on the patio. The day will revolve around what we can do with a dog. I just want to be a human again.

The view I got tonight while trying to read:

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I don't recommend kids then. The human kind.