

I’ve been struggling lately. You can tell by my last few entries…they are all so serious…and that’s only the part I’m willing to share with anyone who’s reading. There’s a lot more to it, and it’s gotten worse. Yesterday I lost it. Thankfully, CC was there to pray over me when it hit hard and I at least could breathe again. It seems like the battle gets stronger and stronger…and as hard and scary and messy as it is, I can’t help but thank God for it. I know, for certain, that when things are hard, when I’m being attacked, that He allows it in order to strengthen me. I’m so, so excited that I’m being refined right now! I’m still feeling lost and confused and scared and desperately seeking His voice, but I’m walking through this battle with the confident knowledge that even though He feels so far away, He’s walking right next to me and making me stronger.

I saw a quote last night in a box Regina left at my house (full of Refuge stuff). It said, "The size of your enemy is a picture of the size of your destiny." I just love that. I just love that when the battle gets thick and heavy and hard, it just means there’s something God’s doing in me that’s freaking the devil out. So exciting!

I promise,the next post won't be so serious!

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