
07.01.08 p.s.

Another entry from a journal, dated June 28, 2001:

"Before this life I believe I was a tree. That explains why I can spend so much of my time gazing away at all the natural beauty around me... Maybe that's why I hold very little patience -- because all of my past life I was rooted and unable to move no more than a twist of a branch or a sway when the wind would chose to play. Maybe this is why I always must keep myself moving -- because when I was a tree, although I marveled at all the wonderful things around me, I was enchanted by what was beyond my gaze."

I'm getting a kick out of my past thoughts. I wish I still wrote in my journals like that...


Lori said...

What a beautiful picture... You are still this person, you just have to search deep within. You're getting close, I can feel it


Regina said...

I love you more as a girl than as a tree, although you would have been a very beautiful tree, I am sure of it.

Psalm 52:8 But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever

Psalm 92:12 The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of lebanon.

You are not the only poet who though herself like a tree... David did too... I am pretty sure that means you are on the right track.

But still a more beautiful girl, than a tree!