

There's a chance Kalvin will still be in my life! I went riding last night and Linda (the owner of the house he's boarded at) said she's going to ask Kristin (his owner) if she can take him. It would be beyond wonderful if Linda owned Kalvin -- he would stay where he is and I could half-lease him! Linda even offered to give me lessons on him (we already had one last night). I'm really excited but I'm trying not to get my hopes up because it might be too late (considering someone is planning on coming out Monday to take him).

Last night, Linda told me that Kalvin has taken a liking to me and that we make a pretty good team. She said that I'm a quiet rider and even though I'm not very educated, Kalvin seems to really listen to me. Awww...he likes me!

Here's a picture from my camera phone last night. I took it to send to Carrie but have to share. He's looking at the camera. :)


foxychao said...

oh he leaned in towards to you too. He is really cute. I hope he stays with Linda. I really like Linda... :D

Lori said...


I love him too!!! Please stay Kalvin!!!

cc26 said...

I love this!!! I hope and PRAY he gets to stay!!