

Wow. The house is SO MESSY! I just got back from a few hours of Saturday morning cleaning. I think I lost a good ten layers of skin on my hands from all the cleaning products we used...and there still a zillion more hours of cleaning to do.

Mom and Gramps (a.k.a. cleaning crew):

First sweep (of many to come):

Living room (and shovel from cleaning out fireplace):

The move is now official:

Kitchen (not sure if you can see how dirty the floor is):

Bathroom (I've got to figure out a way to decorate with that yellow tile):

Back room (my future art studio!):


Carrie said...

YAY!!! It is SO CUTE. I can't believe someone left it that messy.

Lori said...

Are you sure that ball of fur isn't just Griffin??? HAHAHAHAHA!! I'm so funny, I must say.

Oh, and p.s. I know NOTHING about this move. You arent very good at this keeping in touch thing, either Miss Jesika!!!

cc26 said...

AHHHH! I am SO excited! The fireplace, that BIG kitchen....and, yellow tile...MY FAVORITE!
I can't wait for lounge nights this winter with soup, hot cocoa and YOUR FIREPLACE! :D

CONGRATS again friend!

p.s. post pictures of the front of it!

foxychao said...

Re-assure your gramps they made a great decision to have you move in. Griffin's hair ball is way small than that one. :D I am soooo excited this project is moving in the "moving in" direction for sure. I can't to come over to hang out. May be we can create something together in that awesome art studio!!