

On Facebook, I got tagged and had to write 25 random things about me. Since I've been slacking lately on my blog, I thought I'd share them. Here goes!

1. I've broken two bones, my wrist and my foot, both while climbing around on monkey bars.
2. I love the way I feel with super-long hair but I like the way I look when it's short.
3. I love healthy foods and could live off of fruits, veggies, nuts and whole grains for the rest of my life and be completely content.
4. I castrated two lambs when I was in 4-H. True story.
5. I secretly wish I would get laid off so I could spend a year living in Zimbabwe.
6. I don't like sleeping with socks on.
7. On some days, my anxiety is so bad I go through an entire pack of gum from lunch time until I leave work (roughly four hours).
8. I think my sister is one of the most beautiful women in the world and I used to take pictures of her all the time for my photography class.
9. I love everything there is about horses (aside from how expensive they are to keep). My favorite thing is to hold on tight and let them run!
10. I'm pale skinned and rarely ever show my legs in fear of blinding (or disgusting) people.
11. Every year for Christmas, my Mother gives me a children's book signed by the illustrator. It's fired a dream in me to one day write and illustrate my very own children's book.
12. It takes a long time for me to trust people and open up to them. Because of that, I can be pretty socially awkward.
13. I thank Jesus for saving me from the person I would have been without Him. I can't wait to see what other awesome things He's going to do with my life!
14. I have two cats that are so naughty and sometimes I wish they were dogs, but I love when they lay at my feet on cold nights and purr super loud.
15. I have two tattoos and am going to get another one in the next few weeks (Refuge wings).
16. I'm part of an amazing group of girls who are on a mission to change Zimbabwe, and maybe even the world! (shout out to Lorz, Gi and CC....woohoo!)
17. I don't have a favorite song or a favorite movie because I'm always changing my mind.
18. I long to live in the country, surrounded by wide-open spaces.
19. I work in a cubicle but I hate it and wish I could be working where my hands get dirty and I feel physically tired by the end of the work day.
20. I used to have a huge fear of crickets after I found one on my pillow in the middle of the night. I got over the fear when I started working at a pet store and had to bag and sell crickets to people who owned creatures that ate them. It was horrible at first.
21. I've always known I'd be good at playing the piano but am too stubborn to learn on a keyboard. My Mom bought me a piano a couple years back at an antique auction and I'm waiting for it to be moved into my house (I finally have a place where it will fit!) before I start teaching myself to play.
22. I am not nice to be around if I don't get enough sleep...and, sadly, I'm not one of those people who can survive on less than eight hours.
23. I have the best Mom in the entire world and I'm not just saying that. She's AMAZING.
24. Joshua Tree National Park is one of my favorite places ever.
25. One day, I want to be an artist.

1 comment:

cc26 said...

This is awesome. :)