

Last night, I heard Griffin gnawing on something from the corner of my room but I was so tired all I could do was yell out his name every now and then to get his attention so he'd stop making smacking, chewing noises. (yes, I'm a light sleeper and can hear everything) I woke up this morning and had completely forgotten about the obnoxious chewing noises until I noticed a red, egg-shaped thing in the corner of my room. At first, I thought it was a plastic Easter egg with hundreds of little cat-teeth marks chewed into it (which got me wondering, WHERE did that come from?). It wasn't until I got closer when I realized it was a Roma tomato. Yes, a tomato. The tomato that had been in my lunch bag on my kitchen counter. Griffin not only had to rummage through the lunch bag to find the tomato, but then carried it into my room and started eating it. This is just one example of how bizarre my cats are. I mean, a tomato?!!


foxychao said...

HA HA HA, he is a cool cat! My old cat used to eat corn on the cob! I love him. You are so lucky to have a mischievous cat.

Vanessa said...

I was actually allowed to sleep until 5:20 this morning before I got Malcolm's daily wake-up call for food. Then Catherine stood outside the bathroom door while I was in the shower and meowed incessantly because she wanted to come in and lick the water out of the tub. Cats, I swear!

cc26 said...

LOL!! Awesome!