

I have the worst stomach. It grumbles and gurgles and growls. I'm beginning to think I have a stomach monster. If I do, I bet he looks something like this:



CC asked me to doodle a walrus. Now I have walrus on the brain. Well, walrus and narwhal.



This guy was in my head and I had to get him out. I'm thinking of turning him into a painting. The colors are off but at least I have him on paper now.



I just realized the other day that in about two and a half months I'll be 31. It feels like just last month I was stressing about turning 30. Where in the world did the whole year go?! Ugh. To make 31 a good number, I'm thinking of throwing a party in my fabulously large backyard. My birthday is the third of June so it will be nice and summery and just perfect for a backyard party. It won't be just any backyard party though, it will be an Alice in Wonderland party -- Mad Hatter style! Picture this: Everyone has to dress up as either an Alice in Wonderland character or in some crazy outfit, including a wild hat. There will be a croquet tournament, pink yard-flamingos, white paper rose bushes painted red, cards...all things Alice in Wonderland! We'll drink out of random tea cups, there will be cupcakes decorated to look like mushrooms that say "eat me" and the bottles of wine will all have tags on them saying "drink me". Of course, there will be awesome music playing at all times. I'm thinking of having it start around 5:00 so we can play croquet and horseshoes while it's light and when dark sets in there will be paper lanterns, strings of lights and a dance floor (maybe even a live band if I can get some friends to play!). I'd invite everyone and their friends and we'll fill the backyard with laughter. What do you think?



I'm sick...again. This is the second cold I've caught in two weeks. I'm always getting sick. Last night, Regina called me the runt. I thought that was pretty funny.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! This has been one of my most-favorite holidays since I was little. It's all because of the year my Mom made little green feet out of construction paper and trailed them from my bedroom door through the house. My sister and I followed the "leprechaun path" until it ended at a windowsill where a bag of rainbow-chocolate cookies waited. The effort and love my Mom put into that has made St. Patrick's Day a day when I always remember how AWESOME my Mother is.

Here's a little treat my friend Amy sent my way:

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I took yesterday off work to play at Disneyland with Gi and the Zim "kids". It was the first time at the happiest place on earth for the Zimbos. What a day! I'm still feeling exhausted from all the speed walking and line standing and screaming and laughing and JOY from it all. I love these kids so much -- my heart feels like it could burst!



I got my baptism photos last night!!! Here are a few (photos by Kevin Warn):


03.10.9 P.S.

Baby brontosaurus:


I'm awful at remembering things. I blame it on my ADD -- it's a sad cycle of constant thoughts spinning in my head and leaving just as quickly as they came. But, I'm determined to start memorizing Bible verses. It's not as easy task and so far only one is officially stuck in my head: "The Lord is my Light and my Salvation -- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Stronghold of my life -- of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1)

I'm starting a book by Beth Moore called Breaking Free and she really encourages the reader to memorize certain verses that pertain to the topics she's writing about. The first verse that needs to be memorized is HUGE! I have no idea how I'm going to keep this one in my head: "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion -- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of the spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor. They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations." (Isaiah 61:1-4)

On another note, I'm loving the fact that the Zim kids are staying at my Moms house. I love them all so much. I love Keegan's heart and his fight to remain a light in all the messiness of Southern California. I love Asher's brightness, happiness and love that just seems to radiate from her. I love how Taps pours his love of the Lord out in song and in laughter. They are all so, so special! I am in awe at how much God has blessed me with such amazing people in my life.

Oh! And, I just have to share...I am seriously thinking of going back to Zimbabwe this summer! It's not definite yet, but I'm feeling a tug to go back for a Refuge trip...the U.S. Refuge team will be traveling to all the orphanages that Refuge is sponsoring and meet all the people who are supporting Refuge from the Zim side. I have a feeling it's going to be a very, very important trip and that my fire will burn even brighter for Zim because of it.



I haven't been drawing much these days...or being creative at all, actually. I feel sad and dull because of it. So, I decided to draw a bit during my lunch break today. I feel better already!



Simple but oh-so-tasty: One slice of toasted Ezekiel bread, one-half avocado smashed on top and finished off with a mad sprinkling of chili powder. So good! Try it - your taste buds will thank you.

Today is Eva's birthday! I honestly cannot believe she's turning six years old. Life is going by WAY too fast. I feel like I need to hold on super tight or it's going to just pass me by!

Last night I talked with Linda and told her that I won't be coming out as much to ride. It was hard because I love riding so much and I really want to get good at it and maybe even show...but God's putting some pretty neat things in my path right now that I need to make time for. The first is Jr. High ministry! I checked it out this past Sunday and instantly fell in love. I felt at home, like I belonged there. I'm diving in head first and am super excited about it. The second is all things Refuge, including spending time with the awesome group of Zim kids Regina loves so much. Keegan is already staying at my Mom's house and I've adopted him as my younger brother (love him!)...and Asher is flying in tonight and Taps is coming Thursday. I've heard such amazing things about them and can't wait to spend some time getting to know them. They are a huge part of the future of Refuge and I am really excited to see what they're all about!



I'm feeling the beginning of a freedom I've been wanting so badly. God is releasing a heaviness I've carried around for almost four years now. He's breaking away the chains of fear. I used to never be shy and awkward. I used to never have anxiety grip me when I'm around people I don't know (and sometimes people I do know!). I used to never be scared to be me. But the past few years I've been crippled by anxiety and fear. I could literally feel the heaviness of it...almost like a thick blanket trying to block out the light in me. But the heaviness is gone -- not all of it, but a huge portion of it. I can feel my light shining! I'm feeling the freedom of dancing during worship and not caring if I'm the only one doing it. I'm feeling the freedom of meeting new people and actually enjoying it. I'm feeling the freedom of loving myself because God created me to be just like me and no one else. I'm feeling the freedom of courage to pray out loud. I'm feeling the freedom of following God's voice! It's pure joy!