

I live in southern California and I can’t tan. It doesn’t sound right, does it? If lived in Antarctica or England not being tan wouldn’t be so bad….but southern California?! Here in Orange County almost the entire population (minus a few ghosts like me) are tan. It looks healthy. It looks youthful. It looks…right! But, I’ve been cursed with pasty, pale skin that freaks out when it gets too much sun. And, after all these years, I still haven’t given up on trying to change that. I laid out this weekend in my backyard, basking in the sun with high hopes of getting at least a normal skin color, and ended up with a sun rash that covered my entire belly and back. Of course, my legs remained as white as white can be. It’s ridiculous! I knew my skin was going to freak out but I’m so stubborn. Plus, I’m covered in freckles that scream cancer risk…only an idiot would try to fry in the sun! Yes…I’m the idiot. I have a feeling it’s gonna be an oompa-loompa, fake-tan kind of summer. That, or I’ll just blind people with my legs.

Speaking of summer…I’m hoping to find some time to work on my backyard. All my grand, party ideas probably won’t happen, knowing me, but a small BBQ would be nice at least! The problem is finding time to actually work on the backyard….not to mention the rest of the house that’s STILL not done from when I moved in months and months ago. One of these days, I suppose.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

No!!! Don't tan!! It's bad for you. I totally regret all my years of tanning.