

Happy Halloween!




Griffin is tearing up my new house. I can deal with him opening up all the cupboards, mewing all night and chomping down on anything he can find that's made of plastic. I should be used to that by now. What I'm not used to is his new desire to claw on the couch. Unacceptable! I even bought a new cat tree and spread catnip all over it, but the other day I heard him destructing the couch. Ugh! I love him (look at his adorable cat face) but if he keeps up this destructive behavior he's either going to be an outside cat or he's finding a new home...and I'm not happy with either of those options.



10.28.08 p.s.

I came in to work this morning to find a really cool create-your-own praying mantis 3-D model from J. I assembled it at lunch today and I just love it!


Oh, and yesterday afternoon Eric sent me a picture from last Wednesday's Disneyland Ditch Day. I've been told it's a little treat of what's in store for the photos to come...



I've officially moved into the new place. I'm still living mostly out of boxes, the place needs another round of really good cleaning and the furniture placement doesn't make too much sense -- but the move is definitely official! I love it already and it's only going to get better once everything is settled. The only thing I need to get used to is the hardwood floors. I've always wanted hardwood flooring (carpet is nasty!) but had no idea how much sound carries with them...especially with two nocturnal cats. I can hear everything...all night...and being a light sleeper isn't helping the situation. I'm hoping soon enough I'll get used to it and will be able to sleep through the sounds of Griffin opening the cupboards and rummaging inside, the clinking of cat tags against the food bowl, the thud of cats jumping down from counters, the shuffling of cat feet on doors and the never-ending mewing of a very bored Griffin who wants to play at 3 am. So much for thinking a bigger house would keep the cats from breaking my sleep!

Last night, after a quick trip to see Kalvin, I unpacked my boxes marked "kitchen".



This stuff is cleaning magic, I tell ya.


10.20.08 p.s.

My nieces came out tonight to see Kalvin. They came walking up to the barn wearing cowboy boots and the most giant smiles. They were so excited to be around horses! It surprised me how brave and eager they were to learn and do as much as they could -- brushing, leading, lounging, riding, taking off the polo wraps...they wanted to do everything and they sucked all the information up in their little sponge brains.

My goal is to try to teach them as much as I can but it's going to be a challenge because Kalvin isn't really a kid-safe horse. I wish I had my plot of land out in the country so I could keep a pony for them. Until that dream comes true, I'll do my best with Kalvin. They won't ever be able to ride him without me leading, but at least I can teach them how to care for a horse, and lead them around so they can start to feel comfortable and balanced on a horse. I'm really enjoying teaching them about something I love so much and watching them begin to love it too. It's pretty neat.

Elyssa leading River up to his stall (he's SUCH a good guy):

Brushing Kalvin:

Teaching Elyssa about lounging:

Eva riding:


I'm having daydreams of Joshua Tree. What a wonderful weekend it was!

The rocks right above our campsite:



Tomorrow, I'm going to one of my favorite places on earth...
Joshua Tree National Park!


My cousin forwarded me this e-mail today...I really like it and want to share:

A Great Recipe for Life

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life.
3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is to__________ today. I am thankful for______________'
4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
5. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds & walnuts.
6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
9. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
11. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
12. You are not so important that you have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
14. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'
17. Forgive everyone for everything.
18. What other people think of you is none of your business.
19. GOD heals everything - but you have to ask HIM.
20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch!!!
22. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for__________. Today I accomplished_________.
24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
25. When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings. You'll be smiling before you know it.



I'm obsessed with the vampire series I'm reading right now! I started the second book last night and just finished it tonight. I already bought the other two books at Target today on the way home from work. I'm seriously hooked!



After work yesterday, I went over to the house for a couple hours of cleaning. My Mom met me there to help out (what an awesome Mom!) and brought Rocky. I scoured away in the kitchen (hooray, clean cupboards now) and my Mom and Rocky attacked the bathroom. There's still a good eight hours of cleaning left, but it's getting there!

Rocky sleeping on the job:



I bought a new deodorant, Secret Vanilla Chai. I wore it the first time yesterday and throughout the day I'd move a certain way and get a whiff of it and suddenly have the strongest craving for a hot cup of vanilla chai tea. I'm kind of worried about putting it on this morning. My armpits are making me crave Starbucks...



This weekend was exhausting. I woke up this morning with the strongest desire to fall right back to sleep and ignore the painful reality of Monday. I wish I had found time over the weekend to recharge, but Saturday ended up providing some unplanned drama that robbed me of precious sleep.

After work today I went over the house to clean for a couple of hours but left when it started to get dark. There are a few stories connected to the house that keep me from wanting to be there by myself when night falls. Of course, I'll have to get used to it soon enough, but I think it will be easier once all my things are in and it feels more like home. Right now it's extra creepy.

Side note: I just finished reading Twilight and LOVED it. I'm going to buy the other books from the series at lunch tomorrow. There's not much better than a Vampire love story. ;)

Pictures from tonight...

The stove (which I'm not keeping OR cleaning, but had to share how nasty/dirty it is):

Filthy kitchen tile:

The front (with the old refrigerator on the porch, waiting to be taken away):

View from the front yard of the HUGE backyard I have no idea what to do with (I'm trying to talk my Grandfather into letting me put a miniature horse back there). Do you see the little blue playhouse that was built for my sister and me back in the day?:



Wow. The house is SO MESSY! I just got back from a few hours of Saturday morning cleaning. I think I lost a good ten layers of skin on my hands from all the cleaning products we used...and there still a zillion more hours of cleaning to do.

Mom and Gramps (a.k.a. cleaning crew):

First sweep (of many to come):

Living room (and shovel from cleaning out fireplace):

The move is now official:

Kitchen (not sure if you can see how dirty the floor is):

Bathroom (I've got to figure out a way to decorate with that yellow tile):

Back room (my future art studio!):



I know I've been flooding my blog lately with words gushing my admiration for Kalvin, but I just can't help it -- I have stars in my eyes for him!

Tonight Ashley came out to ride River to see if she's interested in half-leasing him, and we took Kalvin and River to Sully Miller to ride around in the big arena. We found a trail-riding obstacle course set up outside the ring...and without even thinking I walked Kalvin right through it. It was so much fun! We walked in between poles shaped like an L, stopped at a mailbox and opened it, walked over poles in a semi-circle, weaved around barrels and even walked over a wooden plank a few inches off the ground. Every day there's something that makes me even more proud of him.

And, I have to admit, I let Kalvin stretch his legs in the big arena tonight. We started off at a canter but it didn't take long before we were flying around! SO FUN! It's not the safest thing to do and Linda wouldn't have approved of letting him run like we did...but it felt amazing and free! I had to stop after he started bucking and fighting for the reins -- as fun as it was I wasn't about to let him toss me. Oh, but it was such a blast while it lasted...and so special b/c just yesterday I was writing about how much I was craving a little bit of wild freedom.

Tomorrow I'm waking up early to spend a few hours cleaning the new place. I can't wait to get it ready and move in! Then I'm heading down to spend the night at Sara's house and hang out with her until Shannon's baby shower on Sunday afternoon. This is going to be a good weekend, I can feel it. :)



Ahhh...I'm happy!

I got to see Kalvin today after two days off. He had two days of energy stored up and we did a bit more cantering than usual to let off steam. Whenever we canter I want so much to be in open land where I can give him rein and hang on for dear life at a full gallop. I'm excited about Heaven because I know God's going to have me work with the horses...and I cannot wait to wrap my hands around mane and hold on as we fly over fields. It's going to be amazing.

After riding, I went with my Mom and Grandmother to see the new place. I was thinking I'd be moving stuff over on Monday, but the place is a mess and it's going to require a lot of cleaning. I'll be out of town the next two weekends so I'm going to have to clean on the weekdays after riding. I'm going to be one very busy girl for the next couple of weeks, that's for sure. But the place is great! I just need to figure out how I'm going to decorate. Fun!



I opened him up yesterday morning...look how much happier my desk is when Moishe is around! (I think I'm going to rename him...any ideas?)




I'm not sure why, but Griffin always lays on my lower legs. If I kneel in front of the computer he usually uses a calf for a pillow...and if I'm sleeping in bed I'll wake up to him leaning on a shin. He's the funniest cat.



10.06.08 p.s.

I'd just like to take a moment to brag about how wonderful Kalvin was tonight. I took him out on trail by ourselves and he walked right over both bridges with ease. It was such a fun and relaxing ride!

When we were heading back to the house, I looked up and saw a red-tailed hawk sitting on the telephone wire directly above me. I was up higher, being on a horse and all, and could see it in detail. I looked up right into it's eyes and just knew God put him there for me. I love how God does little stuff like that. :)


I'm a little more restless than usual today...which means lots of doodling during meetings!





What a wonderful morning! I woke up early and looked outside to see grey clouds covering the sky. I decided to celebrate the morning with a trail ride, so I made a hot cup of coffee and drove out to see Kalvin.

Kalvin isn't much of a trail horse and trail riding by ourselves is always a bit of an adventure. We did pretty well until I asked him to go over a small, metal pipe that was in the middle of the trail (about five feet before a cement bridge) and he fought me. I kept trying to push him forward but he'd spin back around and at one point threatened to get up on his back legs. Being that we were the only ones out there, I didn't think it was safe to keep pushing him in case he threw me or decided to spin and run off. So, I claimed defeat and headed him in the other direction, making sure we stayed riding trails for a bit longer -- because acting up doesn't equal going straight home.

When we did get home I started working him in the arena as Linda walked up. I told her about the trail ride and the metal pipe/bridge, and she offered to walk the trail with us to help me push him forward. It was a wonderful ride! He did spin a few times but by the end of the ride he not only walked over the cement bridge, but we took him over a wooden bridge and through a neighborhood with dogs charging up to the fences -- all with complete calmness! Linda kept saying she couldn't believe he was the same horse she knew before I started riding him. She told me she would have never thought he'd ever accomplish something like that...and for some reason or another Kalvin really likes and trusts me. special!

I'm going out tomorrow after church to meet up with Linda and take Kalvin over more trails. He might never be bomb proof but my goal is to get him consistent with being calm on the trail. So far, we're headed in the right direction!



just a few simple observations of beauty while driving to work:
cool, grey, morning air swirling through open windows -- glimpse of orange pageantry flags twirling in front of the high school -- soft, lazy clicking of bicycle wheels while waiting at a stop light -- bubble of happiness when realizing it's Friday...


10.02.08 p.s.

I just won my first ebay auction!



I left work early today. The virus is making my whole face and throat sore. Poor, pitiful me! I'm about to take some heavy-duty cold meds and zonk out for awhile, but before I do I felt inspired to draw my tonsils in Photoshop (haha, who does that?!):


I'm especially bummed because I haven't seen Kalvin in a couple days and was looking forward to seeing him tonight...



I was in Barnes and Noble last night helping my Mom find a book. Of course, I just had to wander the children's section (I have a weakness for illustrated children's books) and came across Skippyjon Jones...a siamese cat who thinks he's a chihauha. I think I'm going back tonight to get it:
